A moped rider who went to collect a takeaway order was found to be more than three times the legal drink drive limit.

Concerned South West Ambulance Service Trust staff called Wiltshire Police officers and roads policing unit team in Swindon on Friday night.

The officers then arrested a moped rider who, according to a spokesperson "was seen to try and ride whilst heavily intoxicated when collecting their Chinese takeaway."

Upon being breathalysed, the suspect blew a reading of 110 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath. 

This is more than three times the legal drink drive limit of 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath. 

While sharing news of this arrest on social media, police used the Fatal5 hashtag, which refers to the five most common causes of fatal road accidents, offences which the RPU are especially focused on targeting.

Drink or drug driving is one of them, along with dangerous driving, using a handheld mobile phone, speeding, and not wearing a seatbelt.