A plan put forward by an Old Town convenience store to become, in part, a hot food takeaway as well has been withdrawn.

And that withdrawal follows dozens of objections sent into Swindon Borough Council planners by neighbours and nearby residents.

Bosses at the Premier Store at Celcus Grove in Old Town wanted to use part of the store as a take-away.

Plans submitted show that a small preparation and cooking area would be created in a new room at the front right of the shop, with customers able to order and collect their food from an access hatch at the front of the store.

The application lodged said the take-away would operate between 10am and 2am, but the hours of operation were revised to end at 11pm every day, but only after the original time caused some disquiet.

Ward councillors, the local parish council and more than 50 residents wrote in to comment on the application.

Councillor Nadine Watts ‘called in’ the application, meaning that if officers were minded to recommend permission, that should be discussed and voted on by members of the planning committee, allowing arguments by objectors, as well as the applicant, to be heard in public.

South Swindon parish council’s planning committee objected to the proposal  saying it was echoing neighbours concerns  of: “Noise pollution, a reduction in parking for local residents and a high risk of anti-social behaviour due to the nature of the previous business.”

The majority of the 51 contributions by members of the public were opposed to the proposals by the shop, mostly focussing on traffic and parking, odour and litter and anti-social behaviour and noise.

One objection said: “To have a fast-food takeaway at the Premier shop would be a nightmare for residents.

We already have problems with teenagers/young people buying vapes from there, sitting smoking by bin stores and leaving their rubbish behind, breaking doors, graffiti and so on.

“We do not need to court any more of this by having a fast-food takeaway opened until 2am. The shop is in the middle of a residential area we do not want to have the extra noise with cars etc that this would cause.

“All takeaways have issues with rats/vermin this would just be another problem we would have to deal with.

Another said: “I strongly object to the proposal, particularly a licence until 2am. The plans indicate a serving hatch so customers would be waiting and chatting just a few feet from bedroom windows. Others too will be eating in cars, possibly with music playing."