Prospect Hospice has seen a record-breaking response to its urgent pleas for emergency funding.

The Wroughton-based end of life care facility called on Swindonians and politicians to help in its time of need after a £1 million funding gap led to it having to cut its inpatient beds from a possible 12 to just six.

Since then, the public has donated £170,000 and Starlight Walk participants gave a whopping £150,000 - more than double the previous highest total of £60,000 - making this the biggest cash appeal and fundraising event in the hospice's 44-year history.

Jeremy Lune: “The community has really rallied round beyond anything we anticipated and smashed our records.

“Their generosity has given us a brilliant start to the year which will take a significant amount of pressure off and we really appreciate it.

“We’re closing the gap but still have a lot of work to do and want to keep campaigning with the government.

“We won’t get complacent and can’t keep relying on the same people, the need for hospice funding is not going to go away.”

Prospect Hospice’s website includes templates of letters that people can download, fill in, and send to North and South Swindon’s new MPs.