War pensions and military compensation paid to veterans in Swindon will soon not be counted when calculating their benefits.

The change comes after after councillors voted to change the borough council's policy.

Members unanimously supported a motion put forward by Conservative Councillor Lawrence Elliott, based on the Royal British legion’s Credit Their Service Campaign, which was seconded on a cross-party basis by Labour’s Councillor Junab Ali.

Cllr Elliott’s motion pointed out that compensation for an injury or illness caused by work for a civilian was not taken into account by Swindon Borough Council when it was assessing eligibility got means tested benefits such as housing benefit, council tax support and grants for facilities and adaptations for people with disabilities.

But a war pension , or compensation for an injury or illness sustained while on active military service is, in some circumstances counted as part of an applicant’s income and it means that a veteran receives less in benefits than a civilian.

The agreed motion between the two party groups, mandates: “The Building a Fairer Swindon Committee to  investigate the impact of simplifying and standardising the complicated rules by supporting the RBL ‘Credit Their Service’ campaign that looks to achieve fairness for those in our armed forces community.

“It can do this by using discretionary powers available to the council to exempt all  compensation awards for illness or injury acquired in service from any benefits calculations including housing benefit, council tax support, discretionary housing payments, and disabled facilities grants.”

Cllr Elliott said: “In the UK 150,000 veterans receive compensation for ongoing casts of illness or injury.

“In Swindon there are 2,250 veterans in receipt of compensation or a war pension.

“I could not imagine the horror of serving in a war zone, but military veterans have kept us safe and continue to keep us save through their service.

“We should credit their service by making sure compensation payments should not be treated as income as benefits are means tested.”

Councillor Ali said: “We should be supporting out veterans at their time of need. Veterans served the country bravely at the request of the Queen, or now King, by putting themselves in harm’s way without asking why.

“I look forward to working with all councillors of whatever political party to make Swindon a great pace for our veterans.”

The Build a Better Swindon policy committee will produce a report to cabinet on the matter within a few months.

Cllr Ali was also named as the authority’s new armed forces champion, taking over from Councillor Will Stone , who was in the chamber for his first meeting after being elected as the new MP for Swindon North.