The new splash park at Coate Water will be opened for use by children this summer.

That is the promise from the cabinet member in charge at Swindon Borough Council, despite the revamped £475,000 facility still not being open now as the school summer holidays start.

Conservative Councillor Daniel Adams asked the cabinet member for planning and placemaking councillor Marina Strinkovsky: “Concerns have been raised with me over the lack of visible progress on the construction of the new splash park in Coate Water, which we are consistently told will be open in the summer.

“Given we are now well into the summer months would she confirm when the new facility will be open to the public?”

Cllr Strinkovsky's written answer said:  "We’re making good progress. At the moment, our contractor has re-laid the concrete surface and reinstalled the pipework and drainage.

“We’re still waiting for the soft flooring surface, which has come from Spain, to arrive on site. It’s currently being held in customs and we’re working hard with our suppliers and contractors to get it to Swindon. This means we’ll be opening slightly later than planned but the splash park will still be open for children to enjoy this summer.”

Cllr Adams followed up with: “Can you promise the children of Swindon the splash park will be open before the end of the summer holidays?”

Cllr Strinkovsky said: “To reiterate the park will be open in the summertime during the summer.”

Cllr Adams then asked a question about plans for a new ‘orangery’ café that is planned for the site of a closed toilet block, saying: "Can you advise us as to when the new promised cafe will be open? If the summer deadline promised by the administration will not be met can an explanation be given as to why?”

Cllr Strinkovsky responded: “Officers are undertaking an options appraisal for a potential café in this country park, plans are due to be ready in September.

“I am sure Cllr Adams will agree it is important to ensure that the café is developed correctly, focusing on financial feasibility, infrastructure needs, stakeholder input, and environmental considerations. This careful planning aims to create a sustainable and beneficial asset for the community.”

She added: “I’m not aware of any promises that the café would be open by summer, either confidently or otherwise, and certainly not by me.”