Residents who gathered for an opening of a new play park are said to be delighted by the new facilities.

A refurbished Richardson Play Park opened in Blunsdon St Andrew on Saturday, July 27 with a party featuring entertainment.

The playground “represents a significant enhancement to the local play offering and open spaces available to families and children in the Blunsdon St Andrew area."

Resident and organiser, Maria Holland said: “The residents are delighted that this facility has opened in time for the school summer holidays, and we thought it would be great to invite local families to an opening party. (Image: Thirty 4/7)

“We are very grateful to Gaming International, Swindon Borough Council and Cllr Daniel Adams for getting this open, sponsoring and helping us organise the celebration.”

Community champion Maria Holland opened the park with a children’s party, face painting, magic shows and balloon sculpting for families.

It was attended by Swindon Mayor Imtiyaz Shaikh who said: “It was a pleasure to meet some of the residents and help to open this fantastic new park, which will be a great facility for local families to enjoy.

“It is really important local communities have access to amenities like this which boost residents’ health and wellbeing. It has most definitely been worth the wait to see the children having so much fun.”(Image: Thirty 4/7)

The park includes children’s play apparatus, a play pitch and a trim trail.

The event was sponsored by Gaming International and also attended by local residents, local ward councillors, Swindon Borough Council leader Jim Robbins, MP for Swindon North Will Stone.

Cllr Daniel Adams said: ‘I want to say a big thank you to Gaming International for sponsoring this brilliant event, which was much enjoyed by residents and young children. 

“My colleague Cllr Chandler and I, alongside local residents, have worked hard with Swindon Borough Council and Gaming International to get where we are today. 

“So I want to thank them for their perseverance and for coming out to celebrate the opening of this fantastic community facility, which I hope will be enjoyed for years to come."

Clarke Osborne of Gaming International said: “We are really delighted to open these facilities and to support our local community in holding a party to celebrate. 

“My admiration to Maria Holland and her helpers for the hard work that went into organising this party and my thanks to local representatives and residents for their assistance and patience.”