A little-known connection between one of Swindon’s main industries, and that of its twin town Salzgitter has emerged during the visit to the borough by dignitaries from the German town

The Mayor of Swindon’s twin town Salzgitter, Frank Klingebiel and other councillors from the central German town are visiting Swindon to celebrate the 49th anniversary of friendship between the two towns.

As part of the visit, the delegation visited the BMW  Mini plant where he was delighted and surprised to learn that cars built in Stratton St Margaret use steel produced in Salzgitter in another link between the two towns.

READ MORE: Council leader's daughter on her experience in Saltzgitter

Mayor Klingebiel, who has been to Swindon 10 times previously, and actually owns a Swindon-built Mini said: “I didn’t know that the BMW factory used steel from Salzgitter. I was very proud when they told me that there was Salzgitter steel being used in the factory here.”

As part of the twinning arrangements between the two towns, a visit is made every year – one year a party goes from Swindon to German and the next councillors and dignitaries from Salzgitter come here.

Mayor Klingebiel said: “Twinning was necessary after the war to build trust between former enemies in France and Germany and Britain.

“Now I think it’s still the best way to build trust and understanding and to get to know other people. And it’s not just between mayors and councillors, getting young people to visit each other, to play sports say and get to know each other is really important.”

Mayor of Swindon Imtiyaz Shaikh echoes those words and said: “There’s always something to learn from others, and we have some challenges. And by twinning and making regular visits, we can build a relationship. We can learn from Salzgitter and Salzgitter can learn something from Swindon

Mr Klingebiel first visited Swindon in 2007 and said he is proud to be a life member of the Even Swindon Working Men’s Social Club in Percy Street and spoke of the visible change to the town. He said: “Swindon is really growing. I think there’s a plan for something like 20,000  houses over the next 20 years. We don’t have anything like this is Salzgitter.

This year’s official visit has included trips to the Science Museum, the newly-opened  Museum and Art Gallery in the Civic Offices in Euclid Street watching the test cricket at Edgbaston and even axe throwing at Boom Battle Bar in Regent Circus.

Next year is the 50th anniversary of Swindon’s twinning with the German town, and two visits, one in each direction, are planned for the year.