Georgia Robbins, 11, who has just finished at Even Swindon Primary School, was able to visit Swindon’s twin town Salzgitter last winter.

Here’s her account...

“I was lucky to be able to go to Salzgitter last December, and got to meet the Mayor of Salzgitter, Frank, his family and lots of German councillors.

"We visited lots of places, my favourites were the Christmas Markets, the Salzgitter Steel Factory, a glass-blowing factory where we got to try glass-blowing and a trip to the local Fire Station where I was able to take a ride up on an extending ladder!

READ MORE: Steel link strengthens bond between Swindon and twin town

“The steel factory was huge, and the steel was really hot when it came out of the furnace.

“I also got to visit a German kindergarten and see how schools in Germany are different to what I experience in Swindon. There were smaller classes and more opportunities to play outside. 

“They have hot spas in Salzgitter, and it was amazing to swim outside when it was hot in the pool despite it being cold enough to snow!

“I really enjoyed visiting Salzgitter, seeing Germany and meeting Frank and his councillors. It’s great having him come to Swindon and being able to show the Germans the great things we have here.”