“It has restored my faith in humanity”, the organiser of a donation page for a dog’s vital surgery has said after it nearly reached its target in days.

Hundreds of pounds were donated to the GoFundMe page of Marley the mini dachshund who was hit by a car in the Orbital Shopping Centre. 

Vickie Benham set up the page for the injured sausage dog after hearing the single mum owner would not be able to afford the vet’s bills.

She said: “I feel like I can relax a bit knowing that he is not getting put down.(Image: Public submission)

The page is only £67 away from its £1,800 target to pay for surgery on the dog’s pelvis and spine.

The contributions largely came from anonymous donors, but the largest of £125 came from Neil Johnson, with another £100 each from Louis Whitaker and Heber Ribeiro.

Vickie added: “For that amount of people to donate - I am very, very grateful. 

“It was on zero for quite a few days, and then as soon as the Advertiser posted the appeal, within two days it nearly reached the target.”

Victoria, daughter of the owner, said: “It was a very bad feeling, just knowing he was literally on the edge of life, hanging onto it.

“Seeing him suffering like that and my mum’s disappointment when she said she was going to have to put him down.(Image: Public submission)

“But then after the money went out and Vickie started helping us we got some faith he would get better.

“I would like to thank everyone who helped and especially Vickie.” 

READ MORE: Fundraiser launched for dog run over in Swindon retail park

Despite being told Marley would need three operations, the vets managed to do everything in one. He now has a six-week recovery and will visit the vet in the next few days.

Victoria says they are going to donate any leftover money to other families and animals in similar situations.

They have taken careful precautions to make sure Marley does not run out of the house or car again, while he takes his rest.

Vickie hopes to stay in touch with Marley’s family and see the dachshund out and about when he has recovered.

But not everyone is so grateful. Marley is said by Vickie to be “a bit annoyed with everyone and a bit traumatised” after the operations. “But it is better than what it would have been.”