A planning application has been submitted for 83 new homes in Fairford.

Cala Homes presented the reserved matters planning application to Cotswold District Council with the aim of addressing the housing shortage within the Gloucestershire town.

The housebuilder plans to build the homes, 40 per cent of which will be affordable, on a 19-acre site on Hatherop Road.

The council has previously given outline planning permission for the allocated site to be transformed into a new development.

The project promises to retain green spaces and add a children's play area, an orchard and allotments.

The proposed homes have secured a Building with Nature (BwN) accreditation, which assures top-tier green infrastructure.

This accreditation integrates natural elements to elevate biodiversity and community well-being.

Cala plans to significantly increase habitat, hedgerows and watercourses.

The plans present a range of buying options from two to five bedroom houses.

Following the first phase's 83 units, the second phase will consist of four custom built properties for individuals interested in crafting their dream home.

The mix of options means there will be suitable homes for first-time buyers, families, and downsizers.

Cala’s proposed development will also see financial contributions of around £2 million in S106 and CIL, as well as the formation of a dedicated bursary fund with The Ernest Cook Trust.

This fund forms part of Cala’s Community Pledges aimed at meeting specific local needs which could include financial support, volunteering, and educational programmes.

Matthew Jeal, head of planning at Cala Homes Cotswolds, said: "Having acquired this site from local landowner, The Ernest Cook Trust, we are excited about continuing to work with the trust to bring forward an exemplar development that puts environmental stewardship front and centre.

"This development not only demonstrates our commitment to sustainability but also aligns with our goal to bolster our presence of delivering high-quality new homes in the Cotswolds."

Michael Birnie, property director at The Ernest Cook Trust, added: "For the North East Fairford site, it was vitally important for us to find a housebuilder whose values both align with and empower our charitable mission.

"Cala Homes has demonstrated a commitment to nature, green spaces and the local community well above and beyond its statutory requirements, and we look forward to working closely with them throughout this project."

Eco-friendly measures will see all new homes fitted with electric vehicle charging points and air source heat pumps whilst being constructed using timber framing to lower carbon emissions.