Vital work to waterproof a bridge on a busy Swindon through route is 'progressing well' the council says. 

Barnfield Bridge along Great Western Way has been the site of construction for several weeks now, with workers toiling away to make it more durable to the elements,

The contractor started work on the lanes on either side of the central reserve on July 15 and will be applying the waterproofing to this area by the end of this week, after which work will begin on the remaining two outer lanes.

Three-night closures of Great Western Way, between Meads Roundabout and the roundabout with Barnfield Road / Close, will follow the completion of the waterproofing works. 

Some minor concrete repairs are also required under the bridge. These works will require a temporary closure of the footpath under the bridge. 

The exact dates of these closures will be notified nearer the time and diversion route signs will be placed for each closure.

For a list of other roadworks going on in Swindon check this interactive map which also includes further information about which organisation is carrying out the work.