A video released by the police shows the moment a driver cut off a police car on a roundabout in Wiltshire.

Caught on a dashcam, a red hatchback with a trailer enters the roundabout, narrowly missing the police vehicle on August 9, just before 10am.

According to text shared with the video the police beeped their horn just behind the offending car.

Wiltshire Specialist Operations wrote on their social media: “Careless driving. 

“Another of the Fatal Five offences. This driver decided they didn't need to look, whilst committing to the roundabout as "The HGV ahead had committed, so I thought it was clear". 

“Followed by "Was that you who beeped your horn?". It was indeed, and here is your TOR [traffic offence report].”

Comments criticised the driving. One said: “This is a regular occurrence I have to say. 

“Being a biker we always have to prepare for the worst case scenario. There is a general lack of driving etiquette and people taking little or no pride in their driving standards. 

“It’s a minefield out there.”

Another observed: “The white car next to it stopped, and that’s usually a good guide to whether it’s clear or not.”