Swindon businessman fed up with the state of the road signs in the community has taken matters into his own hands.

Nick Cato has lived in Wroughton for 12 years and says he has never seen the road signs cleaned, but instead of complaining about the problem he decided to take action on Thursday afternoon.

Nick has also been running his business NC Window Cleaning since 2014, meaning he used his own equipment to improve the signage around his village.

He said: “Me and my son work together every day so we know each other inside out and how we work. With all the driving doing it and coming home it took three hours.

“My main inspiration is to give something back to the village volunteers at Wroughton for the upkeep and hard work to keep the church grounds looking nice, as it’s a place that means an awful lot to me, plus getting old and signs getting harder to read too.

“There are thousands in the same state all over Wiltshire. We cleaned 45 road signs to give a little back to the community.”

Nick posted the before and after results on social media and was flooded with thank you messages.

One comment read: “Well done. I find it very frustrating not only they don’t clean the signs, but they allow the foliage to grow across them. Therefore, making them unreadable.”

Another commenter said: “We live in our communities, sometimes we need to do things ourselves and take care of our own communities.

"It will make living in them better and taking a little bit of pride in our communities and neighbourhoods, maybe you started something. Here’s to a cleaner, prouder, brighter community. Not everything should be left to Swindon Borough Council.”

And another person said: “Well done, it’s a pity most things appear unkempt. Good result and make a difference 100 per cent.”

A spokesperson for Wroughton Parish Council said: “The parish council is grateful of the time given by a local resident Nick Cato from NC Window Cleaning, who has recently cleaned road signs in and around the Wroughton area. The resident has used his own time and equipment to help improve road signage which is brilliant.

 “Road sign maintenance forms part of the responsibility of Swindon Borough Council and we know that residents and motorists have appreciated his efforts.”