A man who said he forgot a knife was in his pocket, while already on bail for having a knife, has been jailed.

Mark Thirkettle, 51, of Studland Close, Swindon, was caught with a knife in Mannington Retail Park. He was already due for a trial after being caught with a knife he says was not his in May.

He was imprisoned after pleading guilty in Swindon Magistrates Court on August 14 to theft, possessing a blade in public and obstructing a police constable in their duty.

Thirkettle first stole alcohol from Marks and Spencer in Mannington Retail Park on July 21 - the alcohol was never recovered.(Image: Dave Cox)

Later, on August 12, police approached Thirkettle who was in an altercation with a woman, said Kate Prince, prosecuting. 

The woman told Thirkettle to “p**s off” and Thirkettle “made off on his pushbike”. When stopped by police he said he was Paul Carter of Welcombe Avenue.

His true identity was later discovered when he was taken to and recognised at Gablecross police station.

Police conducted a search of Thirkettle, looking for drugs, but found a black knife in his hoodie pocket - with a 3.5-inch blade and a 5-inch handle it was described by Gordon Hotson, defending, as “of the kind used for chopping fruit”.

(Image: Wiltshire Police)

This, Hotson, explained, “what exactly what he was using it for. He absent mindedly put it in his pocket and went out”. He called the initial theft an “unsophisticated shoplifting matter”.

Thirkettle was previously convicted of carrying an offensive weapon, a hockey stick, in 2023 and is currently on bail after, he says, picking up someone else’s bag without knowing there was a knife it in May. Thirkettle has pleaded not guilty to this second charge.

However, Hotson said: “He cannot be said to be someone who is habitually or routinely carrying knives”.

A probation representative said Thirkettle had a “hit and miss compliance” record, and “appears to be in a revolving door situation” of reoffending. 

Hotson said that Thirkettle wants to continue working with probation, and has missed one of his appointments since leaving prison in December 2022 following a 22-week sentence.

Magistrate Ms O’Connell read Thirkettle his sentence: 26 weeks in custody. 

Meanwhile, he is due in court again on December 16 for the earlier charge of carrying a bladed article.