A dog who was found walking along a busy A-road in Wiltshire was given its own luxury ride with police.

Officers from Wiltshire Police's Road Policing Unit were out patrolling the roads on Saturday afternoon (August 17) when they came across a dog who was loose on the A429 near Malmesbury.

The dog, which was identified as a German Shepherd, posed a serious safety concern and so was picked up by officers who gave it a ride to the kennels.

But very few who are caught by police have ever looked so happy, as this dog was fed cheese and given its own hat on the journey.

Not many who are picked up off the road by police get to wear the hat.Not many who are picked up off the road by police get to wear the hat. (Image: Wiltshire Police)

Colleagues from the Wiltshire Police Dogs unit helped to advise the road policing unit on how to best keep the dog safe and calm until it was dropped off to safety.

"The Road Policing Unit were stopped due to this German Shepherd on the A429," said a spokesperson for the team.

"It was taken to the vets and the owner contacted.

"Wiltshire Police Dogs provided advice and cheese and we are now on a kennel hour to clean the inside of our prime fleet."