Residents at a nursing home in Aldbourne have been trying cuisines from around the world.

Aldbourne Nursing Home held an international tasting afternoon, which provided residents with an opportunity to try a variety of global dishes.

Organised by activities coordinator Wendy Beattie, the event aimed to teach residents about different cultures and traditions.

Countries such as Burundi, the Philippines, India, Nepal, Kenya, Zimbabwe and the UK were represented.

Aldbourne Nursing Home's international tasting afternoonAldbourne Nursing Home's international tasting afternoon (Image: Aldbourne Nursing Home)

Staff members, many of whom have left family members in other countries to work in the UK, brought in a dish from their home country, which they introduced before sharing it with residents and colleagues.

One resident said: "It was a tasty enjoyable afternoon. I never imagined I’d get to taste dishes from so many different countries, all in one place.

"The food was delicious, but what really made it special was hearing the stories behind each dish."

The afternoon concluded with Batti, from Nepal, showcasing her favourite Sari.

The home plans to make the international afternoon a recurring event following its success.

It was one of several events which has taken place during the summer, including residents attending a number of Aldbourne Brass Band concerts on the village green.