An 81-year-old lady helped track down her burglar using the ‘Find My Phone’ app on her iPad.

Deborah, who has terminal cancer, had her handbag containing her mobile, bank cards and sentimental items stolen from inside her house in January 2024.

The next day Soloman Jeffers, 58, of Harnham was arrested and then jailed for over three years.

Deborah left her handbag on a bench near the front door after a shopping trip.

While she caught her breath, her daughter, Louise, arrived and found the front door open.

“I knew instantly that something had happened”, said Louise. “It was just in my gut.

“Mum was rushing around saying, ‘somebody’s been in’. And then we realised that somebody had been in.”

Deborah had the bright idea to check her “Find My Phone” app on her iPad, and saw that it was just up the road.

She said: “I was so cross I wanted to go there myself”.

The police were informed and found the phone, while her handbag was later located by a member of the public.

Some items were missing including a driving licence wallet gifted to Deborah by her mother when she was just 17.

The burglar, Jeffers, was sentenced to 40 months imprisonment on April 19.

Deborah said: “I didn’t see the need in going to court, but the police updated me that he’d been jailed for three years. I was pleased but I did feel a bit sad for him really.”

Since the burglary Deborah has become more security conscious and always keeps the front door locked.

She said: “I think when you're widowed you get a bit more worried about it.

“I have not been very well, so in the scheme of thing I am quite lucky to be here, actually.”

She advised: “I’d encourage everyone to do the same, make sure they have good locks on their gates, and always keep your front door locked. 

“Especially, if you are like me and live alone. I would also definitely encourage people to download the ‘Find my Phone’ app as it really helped us in this case.”

She praised the efficiency of the police response.

Detective Constable Cerys Powell, said: “Apps such as Find my Phone can be really beneficial in cases such as this – it enables us to focus our enquiries in a far more specific location and on this occasion helped lead to the arrest of Jeffers.”