A drink driver was caught when he stumbled into a wall and fell asleep at Kwik Fit in Swindon.

Sanjay Dhari, of Cypress Grove, was found to be more than four times the legal limit at the time.

The 46-year-old pleaded guilty to drink driving at Swindon Magistrates' Court on August 22.

Dhari was driving his BMW to Kwik Fit in Great Western Way on the morning of July 4 to get some work carried out on his car when concerns were raised that he appeared to be intoxicated and was extremely unsteady on his feet, stumbling into a wall and then falling asleep.

Officers attended the scene and a roadside breath test was attempted but due to the levels of intoxication, this was not able to be completed.

Dhari was then arrested on suspicion of failing to complete a roadside breath test and was taken to custody, where he provided two specimens of breath which confirmed he was over the drink drive limit and he was charged.

PC Daniel Laurie, from the Roads Policing Unit, said: “Drink driving is one of the fatal five offences which are most likely to cause a serious injury or fatal collision.

“Dhari’s sample given in custody was 165 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35 microgrammes - Dhari was more than four times the legal limit.

"To be this intoxicated and in charge of a vehicle on our busy roads during rush hour is quite frankly absolutely disgraceful. It's selfish, and dangerous, and puts the lives of innocent road users at risk. I am pleased a suspended sentence and lengthy driving ban has been given out by the courts.

"Our current campaign sends the message that there is 'no excuse' for committing any of the fatal five offences and we are encouraging anyone who suspects somebody of committing any of these offences to report their concerns immediately by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency."

Dhari was sentenced to an 18 week prison sentence, suspended for two years and given a three year driving disqualification.

He was also issued with a nine-month alcohol treatment requirement, ordered to pay £50 fine, £154 surcharge and £85 costs.