The state of the Oasis has been revealed in footage shot by the latest urban explorer to get into Swindon's disused leisure centre.

Leaseholders SevenCapital said it had beefed up security measures after similar intrusions into the now-listed dome and pool shortly after the venue's closure in 2020. 

But four years later, the site is still attracting urban explorers who want to take a look inside. 

In August, a figure known as Mr Airborne took a trip to Swindon and found his way inside the building's soon-to-be-demolished sports hall via an open window - live streaming the whole visit in the process. 

READ MORE: Urban explorer targets closed Debenhams store in Swindon

"I am at a place I've been to twice before, and it's always been madly secure, I got in once a couple of years ago, didn't have a chance to set up a live and stuff," he said. "It's not Fort Knox, I'm not getting in today, but I want to show you it because it's cool as f*** to see."

(Image: Mr Airborne) The stream starts with Mr Airborne already on the roof of the centre, which is set to be refurbished and reopened in 2026, with the explorer showing viewers that security is right underneath where he is. 

Not deterred by this he gives viewers a closer look at the dome, revealing that barbed wire has been placed on the entirety of the access ladder, as well as the outside area around the Domebusters flumes being overgrown. 

He gets down from the roof and walks round to the entrance where the security car is parked and shows the glass reception area has been completely boarded up with metal sheeting, before walking around to the sports hall where he finds an open window on the side. 

(Image: Mr Airborne) Inside he finds the sports hall in a dire state. There's mess everywhere and office equipment such as desks and chest of drawers have been strewn around. 

Many parts of it are going mouldy, and vegetation has even started to grow out of the carpet. 

In some rooms, all of the ceiling tiles have been removed and a number of buckets have been put in place to catch water from leaks. 

The site was visited several times by urban explorers in 2021, and there have been continuous incidents since then, with parties in the sports hall, and children climbing onto the dome structure. 

Following the incidents in 2021, then-council leader David Renard condemned the urban explorer's actions as “distinctly unhelpful".

A spokesperson for SevenCapital also said: “It is highly disappointing that a small minority continue to trespass within the Oasis, putting both themselves and the venue at risk of harm.

(Image: Mr Airborne)

(Image: Mr Airborne) "We continue to work with Swindon Borough Council to determine and confirm a viable solution for the Oasis, however, this type of behaviour is unhelpful and also demonstrates a clear disregard for those members of the community to whom the Oasis matters as a facility.

A Wiltshire Police spokesperson previously commenting on urban exploring said: "While it is not a criminal offence to trespass, it is clear from this website that these people are going into structures that are either derelict or are going to be demolished.

"Our advice to these people would be to stay out of these structures because if they injure themselves it could be hours or even days before help arrives. If something does happen it also puts the lives of those people in the emergency services at risk when they have to rescue these people as well."

Mr Airborne was approached for comment.