There are just a few days left to give Swindon Borough Council feedback on its food waste collections.

As part of the annual residents' survey, the local authority asks residents whether they use the service that was rolled out to nearly every house in the borough at the end of last year. And if not, they are looking to find out why.

The council would like to increase the uptake of the service which has seen hundreds of tonnes of kitchen scraps and leftovers picked up, but that figures was 750 tonnes less than expected.

In the residents' survey respondents are asked whether they use the service, with possible answers being  Yes, every week; Yes, most weeks; Occasionally; No, I have never used it; No, I previously used it but don't now.

The next question is: “If you don't use the service, or have stopped using it, please tell us why.”

The options for not using the service are: I don't generate any food waste; too much effort; I don't have the right containers; it's too messy; it's too smelly; I'm not willing to buy caddy liners and it's not yet available for my property.

The survey is available from the front page of the council’s website at and runs until Sunday, September 1.