The team hoping to set up a new pharmacy in Old Town has given a big update on the progress of their application.

Priesh Patel and his family - who run the Hawthorn Pharmacy in Gorse Hill - are trying to open a healthcare hub inside the High Street Co-op to help make up for the recent losses of Boots and Rowlands branches in the area.

They previously spoke to the Adver in July to rally support from residents who could help them prove to the National Health Service that there was a large enough local need for pharmacy services to justify the new addition to the supermarket.

At the moment, the nearest pharmacy to Old Town is at the bottom of Victoria Road.

The Patels sent an application to NHS England at the end of January and the health authority spent months studying the proposal along with the many emails sent in by supporters of the bid.

Mr Patel said: "The support from the local community and the general public has been tremendous.

"We received dozens and dozens of emails of support showing that people are overwhelmingly in favour of having a new pharmacy in Old Town.

"The local council approved it and the NHS approved it, too."

A 30-day window following this initial approval allowed other pharmacy operators to appeal against the decision.

Three decided to do just that because they did not think there was a need for another one in the area because patients' needs were already being met.

Mr Patel added: "Even with those objections, the NHS granted it."

Another window of time allowed the trio of dissenting pharmacy owners to formally file an objection to the scheme.

Two chose not to go any further while a local operator lodged an official appeal against the verdict, which has prolonged the process by several months.

Mr Patel added: "This is unfortunate but we understood that this might happen, we think we have a good chance of keeping the verdict, and just need to trust the process. 

"We want to thank everyone for their support and want to keep showing that the community is behind us. We have the lease ready to go and are keen to open."

If the approval is upheld, the new pharmacy would stay open until 7.30pm from Monday to Friday and until the late afternoon on weekends, as well as offer Covid and flu vaccinations plus a free delivery service when necessary.