A Swindon man who threatened to chop off police officers' heads has narrowly avoided jail.

Craig Day, of Briarswood Court in Liden, appeared in Swindon Magistrates Court on Thursday, August 29, and pleaded guilty to common assault, threatening a person with a bladed article, using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, and two counts of criminal damage.

The 35-year-old had threatened police officers with a six-inch knife from the top step of his mother's house, telling them he would "chop their heads off" and they would "die slowly".

Adam Cooper, prosecuting, said: “It began as a domestic incident.

“At 10.30pm on August 21, Day's stepfather and mother arrived home and could see that Day was intoxicated.

"They heard loud banging upstairs and saw two panels knocked through.

“When the stepfather tried to reason with him, Day threatened to headbutt him and items were thrown down the stairs."

This incident was sparked by a dispute over his parents giving him a lift.

"Mr Day was at the top of the stairs with a knife when police arrived and he told officers ‘I’m going to put it in your chin," added Mr Cooper.

"He began to hack at the walls with the knife, and when he began to make his way down the stairs, he was tasered."

Craig Day threatened to kill officers with a six-inch knifeCraig Day threatened to kill officers with a six-inch knife (Image: Getty)

Day later kicked the police van cage, verbally abused officers, and spat over the van.

But despite his 32 previous convictions for 72 offences, defence solicitor Mark Glendenning told the court that Day had a "very positive pre-sentence report".

"He accepted he was out of control... and has made efforts to improve," said Mr Glendenning.

Chair of the bench Dr Whethan made it clear that Day's crime was worthy of imprisonment, and it was only his positive report that spared him, adding: "We have noted your ADHD and that you have taken some steps to address the matters yourself.

"We want the probation service to work on rehabilitation with you as opposed to imprisonment."

Day was seen grinning as he left courtDay was seen grinning as he left court (Image: Newsquest)

Day's six-month custodial sentence has been suspended for two years and he received a community order that requires him to carry out 12 months of alcohol treatment, 42 days of an accredited programme, and up to 45 rehabilitation activity days.

He must pay a total of £300 compensation to the police officers and his stepfather, as well as £85 court costs and a £154 victim surcharge.