A rogue builder who took £72,000 from his victims and carried out work so shoddy that their ceiling collapsed has been punished. 

An investigation by Swindon Borough Council's Trading Standards team led to the prosecution of 52-year-old Kerry Sharland, the director of KS Building & Renovations Limited.

The defendant admitted to a charge of fraudulent trading under the Companies Act 2006 and was sentenced at Swindon Crown Court on Thursday.

The case involved four couples who signed contracts with Sharland to do various building work for them between April 27, 2021, and March 30, 2023.

He carried out work that was substandard and left incomplete after taking money in advance, leaving his victims grossly out of pocket by over £72,000, collectively.

Two of the victims had building work carried out which resulted in their ceilings collapsing.

Sharland received a two-year prison sentence that has been suspended for two years.

He received a community order that requires him to carry out 220 hours of community service as well as up to 15 days of rehabilitation activities.

He has also been disqualified from being a director of a company for seven years.

Judge Taylor told Sharland that his conduct had been “a nightmare” for the householders affected and that the work was done so poorly that “substantial amounts (of money) were needed to rectify this work”.

The judge added that Sharland caused “stress and misery for customers” and told “repeated lies about refunds” as works were delayed and Sharland took money but didn’t do the work required.

Coun Jim Grant, Swindon Borough’s Council’s Cabinet member for communities and partnerships, said: “I’d like to thank the householders who had the misfortune to employ this individual for having the bravery to come forward and provide the evidence for this successful prosecution.

“I think the pictures of the collapsed ceilings tell you all you need to know about the appalling workmanship that was carried out at these properties and, not only that, this so-called builder also took money from innocent people and didn’t even do any work.

“I hope the sentence sends a clear message that we will take action when innocent homeowners are duped into parting with their hard-earned money by unscrupulous rogue traders.”

Anyone requiring building work on their property, should take their time and seek more than one quote.

Members of the public can report a rogue trader by calling the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133 or going to its website www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/report-to-trading-standards/