Concerns about sex workers using a Swindon home have led to a closure order being put in place.

Police received reports of antisocial behaviour occurring at an address in Emerald Crescent in Blunsdon and officers took the matter to court.

On Friday, Swindon magistrates approved a three-month closure order for the property due to sex workers using the property.

Wiltshire Police acting detective sergeant Emma Wood said: “A closure order has been put in place on this property in response to antisocial behaviour which has understandably resulted in concern from those living nearby.

“We are determined to ensure that our communities are safe places for everyone living there.

"It is a sad reality that sex workers are associated with exploitation, often to fund a drug habit or to make money on behalf of criminal gangs.

“We are determined to do all we can to not only protect our communities but to safeguard those who are exploited in this way.”

Support and advice can be found on the Wiltshire Police website by searching the following link:

Off street sex workers can also contact the independent Medaille Trust charity online at