Swindon Borough Council recently revealed that since introducing the new food waste recycling scheme it hasn't seen the uptick in usage it was hoping for. 

The local authority had since issued a survey seeking to ask residents whether they use the service or not, and if not, why. 

The new recycling scheme was rolled out in November last year, but the council says that it has received 750 tonnes of food waste less than expected. 

In the residents' survey respondents were asked whether they use the service, with possible answers being  Yes, every week; Yes, most weeks; Occasionally; No, I have never used it; No, I previously used it but don't now.

The next question is: “If you don't use the service, or have stopped using it, please tell us why.”

The options for not using the service are: I don't generate any food waste; too much effort; I don't have the right containers; it's too messy; it's too smelly; I'm not willing to buy caddy liners and it's not yet available for my property.

The Adver's article on this survey certainly got people talking with many discussing the questions in the survey and answering them in the comments section. 

Here are some of the best answers that were received on both the article itself, and on the Facebook post. 

One person on the website wrote: "Certain people may not, but most households are.

"I think it's a fantastic idea and my wheelie bin doesn't get so smelly or dirty. 

And another person replied: "Totally agree, all the houses in our street use the service - our wheelie bin hardly contains anything now and banana skins, tea bags etc, go in the slop bucket all neat and tidy."

"Down to laziness. It's not that difficult to put food waste in a separate bin, I have found," another person said. 

Another member of the public added: "I stopped using it due to it not being emptied, it was all put out on time, and the wheelie bin and boxes got emptied.

"Council should look into their processes as this could identify why people are not using them."

Another said: "We have really tried to use the service but it was only being collected every two weeks at best. 

"This resulted in a big clean-up job when maggots developed in the hotter weather.

"I can see fewer people on our street putting the caddy our as a result."

"We have never used the service as the only food waste we produce are small items like vegetable peelings, egg shells, etc. that all end up in the compost bin; small bread crumbs that get put out for the birds; cheese rind that goes out in a bowl for foxes," said a different person. 

Another commenter said: "I noticed that out of a road with over a hundred houses people just don't use them anymore.

"Possibly because very bin day the foxes or badgers tip them over and food is strewn everywhere. Have never seen the roads look so unclean."

Someone else said: "Never asked for it, never wanted it and never used it. They want the food waste, let SBC dig in the bin and remove it. 

A reply to them said: "This was my approach when they delivered it. Straight in the shed never to be seen again."

A final person said: "I actually think the food waste bins are excellent.

"I keep the small bin in the kitchen.I don't have a lot of waste.

It's certainly better than putting any food in your waste bin.

"On collection day it goes out in the larger bin. How difficult is this to do? 

"Hope they don't do away with it."