A motorcyclist who had just passed their test has been caught drug driving only 24 hours later. 

The motorbike had only been insured for six hours before it was noticed by officers from Wiltshire Police's Roads Policing Unit and pulled over. 

This is when officers learned that this was a newly qualified driver.

The fledgling motorist was given a roadside breath test which indicated positive for cannabis and was then subsequently arrested. 

The incident was posted on the Wiltshire Specialist Ops X page, which provides regular updates on the officers who patrol the county's roads. 

The post said: "Rider passed their test less than 24 hours ago. Having insured the vehicle merely six hours ago, they couldn't contain their excitement to have a late-night ride; unfortunately whilst under the influence of cannabis."

Drug driving is one of Wiltshire Police's 'fatal five' alongside drink driving, speed, careless driving, not wearing a seatbelt and using a mobile phone. 

Reacting to the post, members of the public were not sympathetic to the motorist. 

One said: "Lessons learned the hard way."

Another added: "A newly passed rider, on cannabis and on the road, is not the best condition to start one's driving career."