A four-week-old kitten which was rescued from inside a lamppost on the M4 weighing just 500 grams has now been named.

On Tuesday, August 13, engineers at plumbing and drains service Dyno-Rod received a call from Teddies Friends Cat Rescue about a group of five kittens and their mother stuck on the M4.

The cat rescue group had been trying to help the kittens, which were on a slip road near the M4 services, for several days but had been unable to get to one which was stuck inside an old disused lamppost.

Engineer Matt Wilshire, from Dyno-Rod, was called on and used specialist CCTV drain surveying equipment to be able to locate the kitten inside the lamppost.

Even after the kitten had been located, it took over four hours to get it out, as the rescue team were only able to get so far before the kitten would get spooked and retreat.

Specialist CCTV equipment was used to locate the frightened kitten.Specialist CCTV equipment was used to locate the frightened kitten. (Image: Dyno Rod)

“Matt was patient and adaptive, trying everything he could to rescue the kitten and refusing to leave until he was safely removed from the lamppost no matter how long it took," said Joanne from Teddies Friends Cat Rescue.

When the white and ginger kitten was finally rescued it weighed only 500 grams old, and was estimated to be around four to five weeks old with serious swelling and discharge around its eyes.

The kitten was taken to a vet for urgent treatment.

Several weeks on, the M4 lamppost kitten has affectionately been named Dyno as a nod to the Dyno-Rod engineer who saved its life, and is now being cared for by Teddies Friends Cat Rescue.

The cat rescue centre has set up an Amazon wishlist to afford the items needed to care for the kittens until they can be rehomed.

The rescued kitten had serious swelling and issues with its eyesThe rescued kitten had serious swelling and issues with its eyes (Image: Dyno Rod)

Dyno is now thriving under the care of the cat rescue teamDyno is now thriving under the care of the cat rescue team (Image: Dyno Rod)

"Dyno's name is a testament to his rescuer and beautiful orange colourings, and he is thriving in his new environment.

"This rescue is part of a larger ongoing effort that has saved five kittens and their mum in total from the site so far.

"With the amazing work done by the cat rescue team, all kittens have future forever homes lined up."