A man who slapped his girlfriend outside a petrol station in Swindon has been fined.

James Keye, 21, of Barcote Close, pleaded guilty to assault by beating at Swindon Magistrates Court on September 5.

Ms Prince, prosecuting, told the court Keye slapped his then-girlfriend in the face while they were in the forecourt of a Shell garage on March 10.

The victim reported the incident to staff inside the petrol station who called the police and when Keye was arrested, he admitted the assault.

In mitigation, Mr Glendenning, defending, said Keye had been drinking with friends that evening and she was unhappy he had gone out, which was the catalyst for their argument and the slap was a result of his intoxication.

He said Keye had been remorseful and apologetic for his “totally unacceptable” actions, he did not have any previous convictions and realised he would need to “reign in his temper and think before he acts in future.”

The magistrate told the plumbing apprentice: “You’re going to have a criminal conviction now which will go against you, but you have done everything right by admitting your guilt, which goes in your favour.”

He was given a six-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay a £26 surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

“Get your head down and move on with your life”, added the magistrate.