A health and safety expert has raised £1,100 for Wiltshire Air Ambulance by reaching the summit of Snowdon in time for sunrise.

Swindon resident Marc Reed, who runs his own business, was inspired by the charity's work and took on the Snowdon Sunrise Challenge.

He said: "We all hope we’ll never need the services of our air ambulance. Yet if we did need them then we’d be so grateful for their help and support at a time of crisis.

"Wiltshire Air Ambulance needs £12,500 per day to stay in the air so I felt this was an opportunity to give back to this important charity."

After six weeks of training, Mr Reed set off from the town of Llanberis at the base of Snowdon at 2am before climbing 3,199 feet to the summit, arriving just after 5am.

He added: "Initially the summit was in full cloud cover but just as we prepared to start the descent, a crack appeared in the cloud and as it parted we were treated to a brief but brilliantly glowing sunrise.”

Mr Reed also supports the charity by donating £100 every time he secures a new client through his business connections.