A full application for outline permission to build 42 houses on an arable field on the edge of Swindon in Chiseldon has now been lodged.

As reported recently, Hannick Homes has been conducting a public consultation exercise about its proposed development, and it has now asked for outline permission for the estate – that means the number of houses and the access to it from the existing road network will be decided.

But details of the design of the houses and even the way they are laid out will have to be the subject of another, later, application, assuming this one is approved.

The planning statement says: “A mix of dwellings is proposed to help meet local needs of the Borough.

“The final mix would be subject to a future reserved matters application however it is envisaged that the mix would include two-, three- and four-bedroom houses with opportunities for bungalows.”

It says 30 per cent of the houses, 12,  would be affordable housing including being offered for shared ownership or social rent.

The application continues: “It is envisaged that the majority of dwellings would be two storeys in height with a number of bungalows fronting Hodson Road.

 “A variety of house types and building forms would provide scope to vary the scale and design of properties.

“Dwellings would be a mix of detached and semi-detached and potentially also small terraces.”

Access to the site would be from a new road constructed to join Hodson Road as it turns from north to west.

The access to the estate would be a separate road from the narrow drive to Pincombe Houe.

The track that skirts the southern boundary of the site will be rerouted at its end to join the estate road rather than Hodson Road directly as it does now.

The illustrative masterplan of the site shows the main estate road running through the development rather closer to its northern boundary than the south, It is a cul-de-sac with branches off left and right giving access to houses.

At the northeastern end of the site, a large flood-alleviation pond is planned, surrounded by trees.

More greenery and open space, with footpaths, will run the length of the southern boundary. On either side of the estate road at its junction with the main road there will also be green open space and trees.

Comments on the plans can be made using the reference number S/OUT/24/0982 vis Swindon.gov.uk/

Comments should be submitted by September 23.