A family from Swindon have spoken about their dedication to fundraising in memory of their teenage son who tragically and unexpectedly took his own life nearly five years ago.

Tracey Boxall, 51, lost her son Alex in November 2019 when he was just 19 years old and with the support of her husband, daughter and Alex’s friends, they have raised nearly £30,000 for various mental health charities.

The group, which started charity walks in 2021 to raise funds for the suicide prevention charity CALM -   Campaign Against Living Miserably - has grown from six members to 75 and is this year set to participate in a 16-mile walk around Swindon on October 26. 

CALM’s ‘lost hours walk’ takes place as the clocks change on October 26, allowing grieving family and friends to take an hour to celebrate, reflect and remember their loved ones.

(Image: Tracey Boxall) “Alex was a typical 19-year-old boy and he was a big character. He was a phenomenal swimmer and into music, drum and bass, cars and had loads of friends”, said Tracey. “He always had a smile and was full of life, going out to parties and festivals. We didn’t see it coming. How did it change? We will never have that answer.

“We want people to talk about suicide and the youth pandemic with suicide. I was one of those people who never spoke about it, had I then maybe I would have been more equipped to support him.

“The fundraising has gone from strength to strength and it’s hugely positive. I’m immensely proud of the money we have raised. The walk is for everybody, it’s not just an Alex thing, it includes everyone.  

“I’m so surprised that we speak to someone affected by suicide no matter where we go, it could just be in the pub and someone will come over and say their life has been impacted.

“I had a choice of staying in bed or getting up and turning the most horrific thing that can happen to a parent into something positive.

“People are empowered. An older lady joined one of the walks in 2022 and said she would only do a few miles, but later she said she couldn’t stop, because she couldn’t believe the energy and the stories people were telling her. She was so inspired that she ended up walking the full 20 miles and said it would be an experience she would never forget.

(Image: Tracey Boxall) "One of his friends is flying from Australia just to be at the walk. People take time off work and travel and it takes a lot to organise, but I'm in awe that they're prepared to do that and it shows the impact he had on people. 

"His sister Grace is the most incredible person on the planet. We're so proud of her and she's living life with Alex by her side.

“We’ve had support from the Village Hotel which has offered us a starting and finishing place for the walks and food and drink after and cake sales at the gym mean we can raise up to £800 just in one morning.

"Just ask for help, I went there and told our story and I’ve been surprised so many people are willing to help.”

Despite being diagnosed with a rare heart condition in 2021 and fitted with a pacemaker, 19 days later Tracey completed the 10-mile walk around Swindon and has completed every route since. 

She was also nominated for the BBC Wiltshire fundraiser of the year award 2024 and won a runner up trophy. 

Tracey Boxall won a runners up awardTracey Boxall won a runners up award (Image: Tracey Boxall)

Tracey added: “I want to show that Swindon is a positive place with a good community here, there’s a lot of people who are determined to make a change and lots of community spirit.

“Alex is missed with every moment of my living breath but he’s the driving force and the reason to carry on, he says to me in my ear that I have the strength to carry on and it’s him pushing me all the time.”

“It has nearly been five years since he passed away but it feels like five minutes. Everything we do under Alex’s name keeps him alive and we connect our story to the town of Swindon. He was so very loved and he is so missed.”

The family's fundraiser can be found here and the CALM helpline is open everyday from 5pm until midnight on 0800 58 58 58.