Large levels of asbestos in a Highworth church hall have forced the venue to close while maintenance work is carried out.

St Michael’s Hall of St Michael’s Church has closed due to safety concerns and the venue is no longer accepting online bookings, while event organisers have had to make alternative arrangements. 

The St Michael's website currently says: “St Michael’s Hall is currently unavailable for bookings due to an ongoing maintenance issue.”

Organisers behind one of these events, Highworth Community Centre said: “We have been informed by St Michael’s that the Church Council have decided to close St Michael’s Hall with immediate effect due to ongoing concerns about the safety of the building.

“This means that we have had to find an alternative venue to show our films. We had anticipated this might happen and have been looking at options. We have decided to move to the United Reformed Church, High Street.

"It will probably take a couple of film nights for us to settle in so please bear with us if things are not perfect from the start.”

However, the BIG Highworth Community Foundation took to social media to reassure people that their Craft Fair on Saturday, September 28 will go ahead as usual inside St Michael’s Church and not in the church hall.

But the Church Council has warned there is no "quick fix" to the asbestos issue and the future of the hall remains uncertain. 

A spokesperson from St Michael’s Church Council said: "The Parochial Church Council (PCC) have made the difficult and reluctant decision to temporarily close St Michael's Hall.

"Ongoing repairs have been undertaken over the last few years to keep the hall open but an issue developed with the ceiling in late 2023 which has now developed into a risk to hall users.

"Due to large parts of the building, including the ceiling and roof, being made of asbestos, a 'quick fix' is not possible.

"Since February 2024 the PCC have commissioned surveys and inspections of the hall which are ongoing.  Once we have the full findings, a public meeting will be held to discuss the future of the hall."