A nursery in Swindon has just learned its latest Ofsted inspection rating.

Busy Bees Day Nursery in Broome was visited by Ofsted inspectors on Thursday, August 8 and was deemed good, retaining the same rating as their previous inspection on October 17, 2018.

The nursery, which registered in 2016, was praised for its curriculum and range of activities tailored to children’s ages, needs and interests and the 24 members of staff were commended for making the nursery a welcoming and friendly environment for children to learn and socialise.

The report read: “Children eagerly arrive at the nursery. Staff welcome them warmly, helping babies and children feel safe and happy. Children form close relationships with their key person and other staff working with them.

“New babies are very sensitively helped to settle in. Staff use the information they receive from parents to ensure children's individual needs are closely followed.

“Staff attentively support children's behaviour. They are patient and offer clear support when children struggle with expectations and boundaries.

“They help children to regulate their feelings and adjust their actions, including children who need particularly perceptive intervention and additional support. Babies and children learn to share toys, build friendships and beneficially develop their social skills.

“Staff carry out regular observations and precise assessments of children's development, outlining clear next steps in their learning. They act promptly if children are behind expected development, liaising with parents and putting in place additional support.

“Staff work diligently to ensure children with SEND can reach their potential. Parents say that the staff are so caring and that they conscientiously help children reach their milestones.

“Children's healthy lifestyles are well promoted. The nursery has designated gardens for each age group, and children freely and eagerly access these throughout the day. Staff focus on teaching healthy practices, such as good hygiene and oral health.

“Children enjoy nutritious meals prepared by the nursery chef, and staff conscientiously and carefully follow children's dietary requirements.”

The inspector also highlighted improvements that could be made to further support educational development, adding: “To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should help staff to consistently adapt activities and their support, picking up on children's interests more readily to extend their engagement and learning as much as possible.”