Two Wiltshire teenagers have smashed the World Championships in acrobatic gymnastics to earn second and third place.

Lydia, 18, and Jess, 13, from Purton, have trained at Evoke gymnastics in Swindon since they were ten and six respectively and years of hard work paid off when they were chosen to represent Team GB at the World Championships, from September 12 to 15 in Portugal.

After reaching the finals on Sunday, the girls earned silver at the World Age Group Competition and bronze at the Junior World Championships.

Lydia’s mum Samantha Mulvey said: “We are over the moon. Not sure how we’ll celebrate yet, it’s still sinking in to be honest!

"We were so nervous, but the girls were very focused and knew just what they had to do.

"We don’t get to see them much as Team GB all stay together, but the parents are all great at supporting each other. The competition was an incredibly high standard, with USA and Israel taking the lions share of the medals."

Samantha told the Advertiser last month: “We were absolutely elated when they were selected, it’s what they always wanted and worked so hard for. They have sacrificed so much and we were super proud.

READ MORE: Teenage gymnasts to represent Team GB at World Championships

“They were both excited and pleased and there was no expectation that they would be picked. They’ve both been very humble.

“They have been working together for three years. They were selected for team GB to compete in the European championships in Bulgaria, which they did really well in and came second in qualification.

“Team GB take two partnerships for each category and only one per country can go to finals and the other GB partnership beat them by 0.05. Although they beat every other country they weren’t allowed to progress to the final, which was a real shame for them.

“They still did really well to get that far and for their first time competing for team GB. Since then they’ve gone from strength to strength despite numerous injuries and things that have happened to them.

“It was only just over a year ago that Jess broke her collarbone when she fell during a skill, which was awful. Seven weeks later they competed at the British Championships and got a silver.

"This year they have done super well achieving golds in every competition they’ve entered. Now they are the current British champions.”

The families flew back on Monday and the girls will be straight back to training this week.

“The girls will be back to training tomorrow preparing for the next step - Europeans in Luxembourg next Spring”, added Samantha.