Police stopped a driver in Swindon who travelled into oncoming traffic.

Wiltshire Police’s Roads Policing Unit spoke to the motorist after getting the vehicle out of harm’s way at around 11pm on Tuesday evening.

A spokesperson said: “The driver of this vehicle fancied a drive the wrong way into oncoming traffic in Swindon.

”All made sense when they produced a provisional licence.

“Vehicle seized and a prosecution to follow.”

The officers issued a traffic offence report and used Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 to require the driver to provide them with identification details and evidence of valid insurance.

In the past four years, the number of people killed or seriously injured as a result of collisions in Wiltshire has risen from 157 in 2020 to 255 in 2023. 

This has prompted Wiltshire Police to launch several road campaigns focused on the 'Fatal Five'.

A/Insp Jonathan Fairbairn, of the Roads Policing Unit said: “The fatal five offences are speeding, drink and drug driving, using a phone whilst driving, not wearing a seatbelt, or careless and dangerous driving. Committing these offences greatly increases your risk of causing a serious collision