A Swindon man has been jailed for being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs.

Paul Mason, of Holbein Place, will be behind bars for three years and two months.

The 23-year-old appeared at Swindon Crown Court on Tuesday, September 17, for sentencing after admitting to being concerned in the supply of class A drugs and acquiring criminal property.

Officers arrested Mason during an ongoing investigation which aimed to crack down on criminal drug gangs.

PC Hillier, from the Serious Youth Gang Violence and Burglary team said: “We are committed to tackling drug dealing offences across the county and we will prosecute local dealers that cause harm to our community and vulnerable people that consume dangerous drugs.

“Our activity will be both overt and covert but we need your help to make Wiltshire safe.

“The information from the public around the drug supply offences in the county plays an important role in developing intelligence into a proactive investigation.

"If you have any information we would encourage you to report it to us by calling 101 or through the online reporting on our website wiltshire.police.uk”