More than a dozen neighbours of a possible new estate of 42 houses on the very edge of a village in Swindon’s rural hinterland have told Swindon Borough Council they are against the scheme.

Hannick Homes has lodged a plan to build an estate of 42 houses to the north of Hodson Road, just as it swings to the west as it heads out of Chiseldon. The site, just north of Home Close is currently arable farmland.

So far there have been 14 letters sent in to the borough council planners, all  but one of them objecting to the proposals.

One neighbour of the site who lives in Home Close said: “This planning application is not required for the village and will further erode the North Wessex Downs AONB in which it is situated.

“There are already enough houses being built in Wichelstowe and the Swindon Eastern Development that will probably mainly house commuters to neighbouring towns in the west of England.

“The current arable field is used by birds and other wildlife and building on it would contribute to a deficit in open habitat for a variety of species,

A resident of Hodson Road itself wrote: “The infrastructure of the village cannot cope with its current population. The waste water and sewage system is inadequate and continually fails.

“The road through the village is already a 'rat run' and the development will add a further potential 80 cars. The doctor’s surgery cannot cope with the current number of appointments let alone a further 100+ residents.”

Slightly further away, a resident of Turnball said: “The large development at Badbury) and that at neighbouring Burderop Park should be more than adequate to meet genuine local housing needs, and residents of Chiseldon, through several previous consultations, have made it crystal clear that the protection of the AONB land that surrounds the village is a top priority for the community

They added: “Aside from the loss of protected and productive land, and the associated environmental impacts, the sharp bend on Hodson Road at the entrance to the site is already hazardous, and the addition of a residential development, with associated traffic, will make it even more so.”

Many of the comments mention the speed of the traffic on Hodson Road and are concerned about the new junction to be created.

Chiseldon Parish Council is also collating responses and it will make its representations to the higher-tier authority soon.

The deadline for comments from neighbours is Monday, September 23, and  they should be made via using the reference number S/OUT/24/0982