SWINDON has been hit by a deluge of rain, causing flooding across the town.

After a wet and rainy weekend, the town has been hit by further heavy downpours throughout Monday as the region was given an amber alert warning by the Met Office.

A series of roads were heavily flooded throughout the day as vehicles tried to navigate waterlogged streets, causing heavy traffic in the afternoon rush hour.

Flooding alerts were issued for several places in Swindon, and the council was alerted to 71 flooding reports on Monday by residents.

Water levels on the River Cole caused a flood warning to be put out in the Lower Stratton and Dorcan Brook areas of Swindon but as the rain persisted throughout the day it became clear that floods were an issue across town.

One resident said she feared floods would come inside her house as water levels began to rise.

Appealing on Facebook for help, the woman who asked to remain anonymous, asked for sandbags from fellow Swindonians.

They said: “Can anyone help with sandbags etc. before it goes into the house please?

“Swindon Borough Council have been called but they are not the quickest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.”

She shared a picture showing water gathering around the walls and front path of her home.

However, another resident shared a similar video of their back garden, with water gathering on the concrete and coming down the garden stairs.

They said: “My back gardens the same, it’s flooding so bad due to the guttering on the whole house which has been like this for ages.”

An office in Dorcan also reported getting out the buckets as water leaked through the ceiling.

On the roads, Pipers Way appeared to be the worst affected, as the road became impassable to vehicles with water levels reaching the top of car’s wheels.

The Mead Way roundabout opposite Mini also became waterlogged, with the left-hand lane turning into a lake and most drivers being forced into one lane.

Despite this, some chose to brave the flood, causing water to spray out across the roundabout. Other affected roads included; Croft Road, Wootton Bassett Road, Gipsy Lane, Stratton Road, Bridge End Road, Oxford Road and West Swindon Road.

At time of writing, the non-stop torrent looked set to continue into the early hours of Tuesday morning.