Colleagues and friends of former borough and parish councillor Steph Exell have expressed their sorrow at her death.

Ms Exell was a member for Swindon Borough Council, representing Mannington & Western,  for many years and also served on Central Swindon North Parish Council, including a spell as its chairman.

She stepped down from the borough council in May 2023, but had been on leave owing to illness for some time before that.

After her death at the weekend was announced, her colleague and friend as both a ward councillor and member on the parish authority, Councillor Kevin Small paid tribute.

He said: “I was sorry to hear that Steph had lost her battle with the illness that forced her to retire from both the parish and Swindon Borough Council. 

"The only heartening thing is the knowledge that her suffering is now over and she is at peace.

“Steph made a unique contribution to the parish council, which will not be easily forgotten, especially in her short tenure as chair.

“We were ward colleagues for both the borough and parish councils and worked together on many projects that have benefited the Rodbourne area.

"I also know that those who had turned to her for individual help, spoke highly of the support they received.

"At this sad time, our thoughts are with her husband Paul, a fellow parish councillor, who has steadfastly been by Steph’s side throughout their marriage and especially over the last years as Steph health deteriorated.

“May he take strength from the knowledge that his colleagues have him in their thoughts and prayers.”

Borough Council leader Councillor Jim Robbins was also a colleague of Ms Exell in the Mannington & Western ward. He said: “Steph was a great councillor and a very good ward colleague to me.

"It had been lovely to read the kind words said about her from residents, sharing their stories about how she helped them and sorted their issues.

"My thoughts are with her husband, Paul, and her family.”

Central Swindon North Parish Council issued a statement: ”We were deeply saddened by the news that former Councillor Steph Exell had passed away over the weekend.

“Steph was with us right from the start in 2017 until reluctantly retiring from Ill health in 2022.

“Steph was a dedicated and passionate councillor who worked tirelessly for the residents of the parish.

“She was integral to helping protect our meadowlands as well as developing strong environmental policies around tree planting and wildflowers, and Steph also worked hard on individual case work, never stopping until she had done all that could be done for the resident concerned.

“Thank you for all you did Steph.”