With conkers beginning to fall from trees, Wiltshire dog owners have been warned of the potentially life-threatening dangers the seeds pose to their pets.

The Kennel Store has issued a warning as conkers, which contain a toxin called aesculin, are poisonous to dogs.

This can cause vomiting and upset stomachs in dogs, and in severe cases, can even lead to death.

Symptoms of conker poisoning usually appear within one to six hours of ingestion, but can be delayed by up to a few days.

These symptoms include vomiting, which may contain blood, diarrhoea, drooling, abdominal pain, increased thirst, refusal to eat, restlessness, wobbliness, and muscle tremors.

If left untreated, conker poisoning can lead to toxic shock or respiratory paralysis, as well as death.

The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of conkers eaten and the size of the dog.

It is therefore vital to seek treatment immediately if you suspect your dog has ingested conkers.

The Kennel Store advises dog owners to contact their vet for advice if they think their pet has eaten conkers or if they are showing signs of poisoning.

Dog owners are also warned not to attempt to make their pet sick as this can be dangerous and cause other issues.