Three new defibrillators are set to be installed across West Swindon.

The life-saving equipment will be available 24/7 for people to access in the event of a cardiac arrest.

West Swindon Parish Council announced the new initiative to "enhance community health and safety" across the town after it received a grant of £2,000 to purchase and install the defibrillators from Swindon Lions Club.

Chair of West Swindon Parish Council, councillor Rose Llewellyn, said: "We are thrilled to partner with Swindon Lions Club on this vital project.

"Their support enables us to enhance the safety of our community and ultimately save lives.

"Every second counts in an emergency, and these defibrillators will be a crucial resource for our residents.

"This initiative brings us a sense of community spirit, reminding us all of the importance of looking out for one another."

The defibrillators will be located in high-footfall areas, with the exact locations of to be confirmed in the coming days.

People are reminded to call 999 in the event of an emergency where operators will guide callers through the next steps.

Swindon Lions Club president, Peter Kennewell, said: "Sadly we all know people who have suffered heart attacks in the most unexpected of circumstances. An attack can occur to any of us at any time.

"The availability of a defibrillator can make the difference between life and death.

"Swindon Lions are therefore delighted to be able to play our part in this crucial local project being championed by our local parish council."

West Swindon Parish Council has also been asking local businesses with automated external defibrillators to register on The Circuit, the national defibrillator network, to enable emergency call operators to direct people to the nearest device.

Mr Kennewell added: "Our ability to donate funds to such worthy local initiatives is dependent on our own fundraising efforts over the year.

"By far and away our biggest annual fundraising event - the public firework display and funfair at the Polo Ground in Old Town - this year takes place on Saturday, November 2.

"As they have done for each of the last 40 years we hope local people will turn out in huge numbers, enjoy a well organised professional firework display with friends and family, safe in the knowledge that 100 per cent of the funds raised will be made available by Swindon Lions to locally based good causes."