Wiltshire Police is continuing to roll-out a national model aimed at ensuring vulnerable people get the right support from the right agency when they need it.

The first phase of Right Care Right Person was introduced in April, and a second final phase began on Monday, October 14.

Superintendent David Minty, head of contact management at Wiltshire Police, said: "Right Care Right Person is focused on giving the most appropriate and beneficial care to members of our communities.

"There are circumstances where our partners in other agencies are best placed to offer support to vulnerable people.

"Wiltshire Police and our partner agencies already have close working relationships and protocols in place.

"What Right Care Right Person helps provide is a nationally recognised model and decision-making toolkit to ensure people receive the most appropriate care."

The first phase applies to calls about concerns for the welfare of a person, those who have walked out of a healthcare setting, and people who are absent without leave from mental health services.

The second phase covers medical incidents, including those relating to both mental health and physical health conditions, where a member of the public or partner agency requests police to attend, or where police are already present.

The Right Care Right Person framework was first developed by Humberside Police following an increase in health-related calls that did not fall within the core responsibilities of policing.

A national partnership agreement has since been signed at ministerial level for Right Care Right Person to be rolled out across all police areas.

Mathew Page, chief operating officer at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, said: "We have been working closely with Wiltshire Police for a long time, and that is continuing with the ongoing rollout of Right Care Right Person across the district.

"It is right and appropriate that we work together to ensure that we recognise where the support of police is required."

A spokesperson for the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust added: "Wiltshire Police have taken a positive and collaborative approach to the implementation of Right Care Right Person.

"We continue to work closely with them, to monitor any impact, and to help keep patients’ and our peoples’ safety at the forefront of discussions."

Wiltshire Police said Right Care Right Person will not stop it from attending incidents where there is a threat to life or risk of immediate serious harm to an individual.