There were 124 families in temporary accommodation in Wiltshire at the end of September, according to a report published by the council.

This figure is a slight increase from the previous quarter, but the trend shows that the numbers have been steadily decreasing since 2023, despite a “significant increase in demand” since November 2019.

Notably, Wiltshire Council is no longer using B&B as temporary accommodation (TA), after reaching a high of 16 single clients in B&B in February 2023, costing an average of £490 per person per week.

READ MORE: More than 100 children in Wiltshire homeless as poverty rises

Total households in temporary accommodatioTotal households in temporary accommodation. (Image: Wiltshire Council) This information will be presented to the environment select committee at its next meeting on Tuesday, November 12.

The report states: “Nationally nearly all local authorities are seeing an increase in the numbers of households applying as homeless as well as a significant increase in the number of households in TA.

“However, during the last 18 months we have prioritised our work with households in TA, which has led to a reduction in the number of households in TA, as well as not needing to use B&B accommodation which is a huge expense for many other local authorities.”

Doorway, a charity in Chippenham providing support for people who are homeless or rough sleeping, has previously claimed that the estimated number of homeless in Wiltshire is “unrealistic”.

The council said it wanted to see “all rough sleepers suitably housed” and requested that residents report people sleeping rough so that a member of the outreach team can make contact with them.

It asks for as much information as possible such as where and when the person was seen and a short physical description, including of any animals with them.

SEE ALSO: Council gives verdict on rough sleepers using tents in Wiltshire

The environment select committee report is part of an update on progress on the homeless prevention strategy five-year action plan, that was adopted by the council in November 2019.

Its priorities were listed as reducing rough sleeping, identifying and preventing homelessness at the earliest possible stage, ensuring services are designed to prevent homelessness or supporting those who are homeless, ensuring those who are threatened with homelessness or who are homeless can secure and keep a suitable home, and maintaining effective strategic direction and partnership working.

The report also refers to initiatives across the county such as a mobile dentist and podiatry van for rough sleepers and a new automated phone system to “better manage the high volume of calls being received by the team, ensuring that those high risk and homeless tonight are prioritised”.