The news this week featured a couple of stories about bugging MPs. why not? They bug me.
If they are going to be yapping to jailed suspected terrorists why should they not be?

Apparently, with due concern about your activities, any of us can be bugged; MP's are not above the law.
In fact, if you are the type of self-server that puts yourself up as an MP, bugging should me mandatory. You just can’t trust these people.

The stories have been full of outrage on bugging, including bugging prisoners. Who cares? If you end up in jail why would you possibly think you have a right not to be eavesdropped on? If you are in prison you are a scumbag and you leave your rights at the check in, in a box marked ‘ your past life and rights’ with your name on, then you are a number, that’s it .If you're lucky you can have the box back when and if you get out.

Under normal circumstances you can tell when an MP is talking guff. His lips are moving.

On that subject...

Rearrange the words/short phrases below in any order and you can be an MP.

Transparent, clear, important, rent boy, prudent, contribution, yes sir Mr. Bush, Iraq, Eton (I’ve been to), incentive, review, expenses, inquiry, back-hander, donation, prison, look at, scandal, legislation, I did not have sex with that woman, robust, Cambridge (I’ve been to), 1997, I’m looking to spend more time with my family, economic, I did not know about that, decent, have you seen a CD, clarity, how many soldiers do you want Mr. Bush, regrettable, campaign, rigor, resign, pro-active, how much for a quickie love? Terrible, NHS, in fighting, global, tax, family values, Hitler, fundamental, ban, thank you Sheik. Calm. Consultation, dubious sexual practice, brow beat, Oxford (I’ve been to), ban again and ban more stuff, leant a lesson, disgrace, resign, jolly, Ming who?

That is it, all the words you need to be a politician and appear on the telly box or radio. You must include the word transparent at least twice in every sentence…it’s the law, apparently. Just thought I would make that clear, or if you like, transparent.
Repeat them, mix them up and try not to say some of them, but I’m telling you again, its all you will need. But watch out, you might be bugged.