So with just over 6 weeks to go it’s time to look at what I’m taking.

Usually for any trip, be it up to Yorkshire for the weekend or a couple of weeks in the USA I wouldn’t think about packing until the hour before I leave however there are no ASDAs or Disney Souvenir Shops up Kilimanjaro should I need some clothing in an emergency.

So I’ve taken it a bit more seriously. I’ve actually sat down and made a list of what I think I’ll need.

  • 1 (One) Pair of Trousers
  • 1 (One) Waterproof Jacket
  • 1 (One) Pair of Walking Boots
  • 180 (ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY) 6-packs of Kendal Mint Cake

That’ll do I thought, then the official Kilimanjaro welcome pack came through.

I experienced something then I have only ever experienced before. Getting the pack through the post was like the day I got a letter telling me about what I needed for going into hospital. A shudder. “Blimey – it’s real!”

Anyway, the pack came through and in this pack was a kit list. Everything I need..NEED…for the big climb in 6 weeks time.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin!

Shoes, walking socks, wicking tops, 2 pairs of shorts, zip-off trekking trousers, long sleeved shirt, jumper, fleece, gaiters
(..what the hell are gaiters? I kind of remember a sitcom about a priest called “All Gas And Gaiters” and wondered if it was one of those smelly things the alter boys chuck about at a funeral)
waterproof windproof jacket, trakkie bottoms, thermals, thermal jacket, warm hat and gloves, 30 litre bag, sunblock, aftersun, hat, sunglasses, towel
(I already had this – if you want to get anywhere in this world you really have to know where your towel is – Douglas Adams),

swimming costume
(Swimming costume? Unless there’s a CenterParcs near the summit I’m not doing any swimming),
pants and socks, trainers, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, trekking poles, sleeping bag liner(!), a whistle, water purification tablets, torch and spare battery
(again, I’m covered here. My parents for some inexplicable reason gave me a wind-up torch for Christmas last year),

1 roll of toilet paper
(we’re away for over a week, considering the way your body normally reacts to a change of diet in a foreign clime I may need more than one),
ear plugs, wet wipes, large plastic bags, camera with film, alarm clock, insect repellent, handwash, Imodium, Antihistamines, Dioralyte, Nurofen, plasters and blister dressings!

Armed with this ENORMOUS shopping list I went to the camping shop. The guys there were brilliant, spent loads of time with me, talked to me about what I can expect up Kilimanjaro, how to use the equipment, even telling me what was essential and what I could skimp on. Apparently the shoes are the most important thing. I need to wear them all the time so I’ve been at the gym in my soaking t-shirt, shorts that are obviously too small for me and these massive clodhoppers on my feet. I look like a clown!

Back to the camping shop, it’s cost me over £400 to get everything I need. After coping with the shock of that I’m ready for anything Kilimanjaro can throw at me.

PS : Gaiters are the things you strap to the bottom of your trousers and go over your shoes so they don’t get wet.

PPS : I forgot the Kendal Mint Cake!