A SEARCH for the most popular nursery rhymes in Swindon has been launched.

Swindon libraries are running a poll to find people’s favourite childhood tunes in order to produce a free CD for families.

The CD will be recorded by a choir of children working with The Janice Performance Trust, a local educational charity, and given to families at during the Family Learning Festival in October.

The scheme has been organised as part of the Bookstart early reading programme, which is run by a team of librarians, health visitors, nursery nurses, the speech and language therapy team and an outreach officer.

Bookstart is funded by Swindon Council’s family learning team.

Librarian and Bookstart co-ordinator Robin Griffiths said: “At present, the frontrunners sharing the top spot are Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Wind The Bobbin Up, with Row Row Your Boat in second and the Grand Old Duke of York in third place.”

Nominations of rhymes can be made by any Swindon family with young children. To nominate a tune, email Robin at rgriffit@swindon.gov.uk or dropping into either a Swindon library or children’s centre by Monday, August 31.