POLICE are emphasing the need for troublemakers to stay away from Swindon’s railway lines after a number of dangerous incidents in Stratton.

Officers have spoken to pupils at schools in Stratton, including at Kingsdown School, and also to members of the public, about the problems of trespassing and yobs committing antisocial behaviour at Ermin Street bridge.

At the end of last week police handed out leaflets warning of the dangers of treating a railway line like a playground.

Graffiti tags on the bridge, debris placed on the track and objects thrown at passing trains are some of the issues police and Network Rail are trying to tackle.

Earlier this month the police helicopter was scrambled to help search for a missing man who was believed to be on the railway line in the Stratton area of Swindon.

Now Operation Debris aims to drive down the level of railway crime using a zero-tolerance policy.

Police Community Support Officer Mandi Coles for Upper Stratton said: “We want to raise awareness and consciousness on the dangers of the railway.

“We have been into a number of schools to speak on these issues.

“I know we have had problems with graffiti on the bridge and there is evidence of trespassing.

“There have also been incidents of concrete blocks being put on the line.”

Youngsters use the bridge as a cut through on their way to and from school and were receptive to the police’s concerns, PCSO Coles said.

In July a train hit a shopping trolley which had been pushed on to the line by the Sandgate footbridge in Stratton.

The incident resulted in almost 700 minutes of delay to train services and the damage cost the industry more than £90,000, police said.

“The railway near Stratton St Margaret is one of the rail crime hotspots,” said WPC Lisa Draper, who is the community beat manager for Covingham, Nythe and Stratton St Margaret.

“It is a criminal offence to trespass or throw objects at trains and can result in fixed penalty tickets of £50 or even an arrest.”

For details of Operation Debris call PC Draper 0845 408 7000 or email ssmcovinghamnythenpt@ wiltshire.pnn.police.uk.