Man recognised for blood donations OVER the years one man has given so much blood that it equates to 93 pints.

And in recognition of this feat, Arkells Brewery have decided to give him a donation of 93 bottles of beer.

Over 46 years Win Cummins, 64, of Stratton, has repeatedly gone to donate blood.

Win was presented with the beer live on BBC Radio Swindon, and he revealed that he would like to give more. He said: "I wanted to get to 100 pints, but I'm on medication now so I might have to retire."

Win donated for the first time when he was 18.

He said: "There was a campaign running at the time on Regent Street.

"A big group of us were in a local pub and on the spirit of the moment we decided to go along and sign up.

"I was quite nervous the first time but it was fine. From then on I just got hooked."

This extraordinary feat was brought to the attention of Arkell's Brewery when he called into Sandy Martin's radio programme on Thursday.

Some listeners suggested the radio station make a certificate to present to Win, but Sandy contacted the brewery instead.

George Arkell, of Arkell's Brewery, said: "Someone had the radio on in the office so we heard his story.

"When Sandy contacted us we thought we ought to match his donation with beer.

"It's a great opportunity to come and say well done."

But instead of drinking all the 93 bottles himself, Win is planning to share the beer around.

"It's my 65th birthday this year so the beer should come in very handy for that," he said.