Swindon Council and the Adver have joined forces to organise a competition to find the best snaps of the town.

The council wants readers to send pictures of their favourite Swindon places to put on the front page of its new-look website.

The winning pictures will be printed in the paper and kept on the council website for a week.

The best of the rest of the photos will also be displayed on the site.

The homepage has been changed to make it more user-friendly so people can quickly find information on the services they need.

The photo displayed on the front page will change each week so there are plenty of chances to win.

Coun Fionuala Foley, deputy leader of the council and cabinet member for corporate affairs, said the competition was an opportunity to show off the sights of the town.

"We're very proud of Swindon and the changes which are taking place in our town with a new town centre, new schools and of course our new central library," she said.

"We think Swindon has many fine places and we want to show people the attractive landscapes, parks and open spaces we have in this borough.

"If you feel the same way too, and I'm sure you do, then send us photographs of your favourite places so we can share them with the many people who visit our website every day."

Adver editor Mark Waldron is also looking forward to seeing what our readers come up with.

He said: "There are some wonderful views in Swindon and I'm sure people will come up with some interesting pictures.

"As well as the more picturesque areas of the town, we would be interested in seeing some new perspectives on the places not renowned for their beauty."

The change to the website was number nine of the 50 promises the council made to the people of Swindon.

The council may use the photos entered for publicity material in the future.

To find out more visit the website www.swindon.gov.ukand click on the photo competition for more details.