BBC Wiltshire’s Pretend Street came together in all its glory at the weekend.

The street was the brainchild of radio presenter Graham Seaman, who asked listeners to his lunchtime show to create a shoebox shop to put on the street.

Graham said: “Listeners were encouraged to phone in with a shop they’d like to see as part of their perfect street, to give it a fun or quirky name and then make it, in miniature, out of a shoebox.’’ He said that the shoebox shops became a project for the whole family including children and grandchildren who came up with some ingenious ideas such as plastic drinks bottles for windows, carpet cut offs for flooring, textured walls made from sand and glue.

Pretend Street was laid out in Devizes Sports Club hall on Saturday.

Graham said: “It was a great way of celebrating the diverse and creative thinking of those who love to shop but want to do it in a place designed the way they would want it to be. Retail developers watch out!’’